The Dolphins Swim Team pledge to say no to single-use plastic

We were delighted to be involved in a recent partnership between the Australian Swim Team and the Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef initiative. 

The Dolphins team spent a weekend recently in Cairns visiting the reef and, armed with custom Cheeki bottles pledged to quit using single use plastics (thousands of tonnes of which make its way into the sea every year).

This pledge forms part of a wider campaign run by the Citizens of the GBR named BYOB (bring your own bottle), which promotes the following message:

"Bringing your own bottle could save hundreds of plastic bottles from landfill every year, so imagine the collective impact of thousands of Citizens uniting across the planet! The momentum is building and businesses around the world are already committing to a plastic-free future. Let’s send a clear message to decision makers - join the plastic revolution or get left behind."

#uniteforthereef #byob

You can join the action here. Or read more here.

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